
Social Security for Divorcees
Ron Sanders Ron Sanders

Social Security for Divorcees

Many people are aware that married couples can receive Social Security based on their spouse’s work record. But what a lot of people don’t know is that divorced individuals can do so too. This option could help increase your Social Security benefits in retirement, although you should be aware of the caveats as well.

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Is a Cash Balance Plan Right for You? The Pros and Cons
Ron Sanders Ron Sanders

Is a Cash Balance Plan Right for You? The Pros and Cons

Cash balance plans are an increasingly popular retirement planning tool. Given their generous contribution limits, you could quickly build a sizable nest egg while reducing your income taxes. But are these plans right for you? To help you decide, we take a look at what they are, who they work best for, and their potential pros and cons.

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Three Steps for Helping Family Members Who Struggle With Finances
Ron Sanders Ron Sanders

Three Steps for Helping Family Members Who Struggle With Finances

It’s never easy to watch family members struggle with their finances. Even though it can be tempting to loan them money, it is only a temporary fix that won’t last if they’ve instilled bad money habits in their financial routine. When it comes to addressing your concerns with a family member who’s struggling with money management, it can be scary. On one hand, you want your loved one to get his or her financial situation under control, but you don't want to destroy your relationship in the process. Read on to learn more about how to better help family members who are bad at money.

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How To Avoid Financial Pitfalls that Make Millionaires Go Broke
Ron Sanders Ron Sanders

How To Avoid Financial Pitfalls that Make Millionaires Go Broke

There are many financial “bad habits” that can leave you in debt. Sometimes they lure you in with the promise of being a "smart financial move" while others are more glaringly obvious to avoid. Unfortunately, you can’t hop into a time machine to go back and undo your past financial mistakes. However, you can take steps to avoid common pitfalls and hang on to more of your hard-earned cash. The most important bad money habits are not adhering to a budget, making emotional purchases and only having one source of income.

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